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[오픽] 오픽노잼 IM시리즈 정리 본문
오픽노잼을 IM시리즈를 보고 공부를 위해서 정리한 글입니다.
오픽노잼 opicnojam
디스코드 (오픽노잼의 영어 놀이터) https://discordapp.com/invite/RW3YpHb 오픽노잼 사용 설명서 (멤버십, 수업, 프로그램, 혜택 설명) https://opicnojam.wixsite.com/opicnojam 영노잼 멤버십 가입 (회화 공부) https...
1. Ava한테 질문하지 말기, 질문할 때는 수사학적으로 대답이 필요없는 질문을 할 것
ex) you wanna know about my place ? -> .
2. 불편한 어려운 단어 사용하지 않기! 사용하기 편하고 자신감 있는 간단한 단어 사용하기
3. 한 문장에서 같은 단어 반복하지 않기
4. 무언가를 묘사하거나 감정 단어 2개를 말할 때, and 사용하지 않기(스크립트처럼 들림)
ex) My room is just so, you know, comfy. I mean it’s just cozy.
5. 한가지에 대해서만 말하기
6. 긴장이 되고 할 말이 없을 땐, 바로 결론으로 가기
7. “솔직한 변명”은 나중에 하기. 처음 부분에서 하지 않기.
ex) 어렸을 때 여행
경험? 대답: 기억이 나지 않지만 캐나다에 갔어요. -> 캐나다에 갔지만 기억이나지않아요 순으로
[2. 8만원 주고 IM받는 이유]
*What things do you usually do on weekends?
*문제) 1.자기소개 234 첫 번째 콤보 567 두 번째 콤보 8910 11 12 롤플레이 131415어려움
*대답하는 4가지 카테고리
1) 설명(describe): 설명하는 것 + 어떻게 느끼는지 + 왜 그렇게 느끼는지
ex)큰방을 좋아해 왜냐하면 친구들 초대하려고
2) 습관(habit) : 과거 거의 없음
-quick comparison(빠른비교) 잠깐 과거로 갔다가 다시 돌아오는 것.
ex) I never did this befor, but nowadays, I just love doing this.
3) 과거 경험
4) 비교
[3. 오픽 IM/IH를 벗어하는 Rule]
*Describe the home you lived in as a child. How was that home different from the home you live in now?
*Comparision strategy
1)Main point 현재에 집중, 과거에 대해서 말하지 말기
*직유법을 like 사용하는 것이 좋다.
*I think 많이 써라
*I felt like / I feel like
*even: 비교급 강조 할 때
*집 표현할 때 place -> space
*감정을 보여주는 것을 보여주어라
[4. 질문들을 때는 무슨 생각을 해야하는가?]
*질문 들을 때 ->두번 질문이 나오는데 첫 번째 들을 때는 무슨내용, 카테고라 설정 , 두 번째는 키워드 설정
*Who are(description) the people you would like(habit) to see and spend with on your vacation?
*alright 보다는 ok
*whether I like it or not
*i’m not extroverted at all.
*i prefer to spend time alone. = rather than hang out people.
*i prefer watching youtube.
*i have no choice but ~하지않을 수 없다. ex)i have no choice but to be with my parents
[5. 재미있는 TMI답변을 준비하라]
*방귀표현 4가지
1) let it rip / let one rip : ex) I needed to let it rip / I let it rip. 나 방귀꼇어
2) cut cheese. ex) I was at starbucks and all of a sudden I had to cut cheese. 스타벅스에 있었는데 갑자기 방귀가 나왔어.
3) thunder from down under : ex) I was at the bar with my friends the other day, and all of a sudden I felt a little thunder from down under. 최근에 친구랑 바에 있었는데 갑자기 방귀가 뀌고 싶었어.
4) silend but deadly : ex) I cut cheese in thre restaurant, and I was hoping that on one would find out. I mean, it was silent, but deadly. 나 식당에서 방귀꼇어. 아무도 모르길 바랐는데, 조용했지만 냄새가 너무 났나봐.
*응가 표현 4가지
1) number 1 (소변)
2) number 2 (대변)
3) take a dump : ex) I felt like taking a dump during the meeting . oh, the timing was terrible.
4) deuce it (두스 잇): ex) I had to deuce it 나는 응가 해야만 했어.
*Promblems at the beach..well.ok. let me tell you about a problem of me “letting it rip” in front of my wife at the beach.And it was one of the most embarrasin things I had to go through. right? And we were in Spain. and we were just finding a nice spot at the beach. and as I was bending over. to pick up something. um.. you know. something came out. And my wife was laughing so hard! and. you know. the way she was laughing. I was just so embarrassed. um you know and I started to laugh too of course. But I couldn’t believe that happened. you know? Like it was so loud. We were outside at beach! We were outside at the beach. And yet. you know . it was as clear as day. so, basically. whenever we go. uh . to any beach. my wife always reminds me of this story.
[6. 오픽 묘사 질문 대답을 어떻게 영어로 뇌에 쏙쏙 박히게 만들까]
*자신의 집에 대해서 설명해보아라.
*My favorite -> I really like/ I like/ I love 로 바꿔서 대답하라.
*what I really love about : 제가 가장 좋아하는 곳은
*all that
*filler -> But, you know(벗 쮸노) 쓰기
*But I got to say = But I goatta say 쓰기 이거 진심인데, 근데 있잖아
*descriptive filler -> all that, but you know, but I got to say, just, you see(잘들어봐, 쓰면매우 좋다.), really, I guess
*description에서 main point 먼저 이야기하고 설명하기
*MP -> description
[7. 오픽 패션, 가구 묘사 답변]
*People -> Me 의 이야기 순으로 넘어가라
*i love -> what I really love about / I hate -> what I really hate about
*tend to
*i think it 대신에 I find it을 대신 사용할 수 있다.
*description filler
- I guess (you know는 한 대답에서 여러번, I guess는 한번)
- you can say that 정리해줌.
-i guess + you can say = I guess. you can say that I like to stand out.
*Q) Tell me about the furniture in you home.
*interesting , intriguing -> what I really find interesting about my work desk
[8. 오픽 habit 질문의 대답들이 입에서 나오도록]
*description질문은 MP가 1.좋은지 싫은지 2.왜?
*habit 질문은 MP일반적인 메인 포인트
*Q) What do you usually do whenever go to bank?은행갈 때 보통 무엇을 하시나요?
:1. No matter what, whenever I go to the bank 무조건 나는 은행갈때는
I always make sure to bring my airpods.
2. Every time I go to the bank, I always check to see that/if I have my airpods with me
3. I’ll tell you what(=You know what?)있잖아.
*quick comparision
-과거, But you see, in the past, I never did that before.
-But now. you know. the problem is completely solved.
[9. 영어 오픽 habit질문들(교통,재활용,예약)]
*Habit 질문 전략
뭐하는지 설명
나한테는 너무 중요하다.
4. 프리스타일
5. 6. 빠른 비교 (과거->현재)
No matter what, whenever I need to go somewhere, I always take the “subway or bus”
This is crucial. It’s quite rare for me to take other options.
I love “how”(=what I love about) I can read something while taking the public transit.
It’s the only time I can actually read!
It’s interesting cos i’ve never liked reading before.
I still don’t, but I love how it helps me to kill time especially while i’m commuting .
Every time I need to recycle, I always check to see that all the cans and plastic bottles are crushed to save space.
This is very important. It’s really rare for me to forget to check.
I’m quite lazy so I hate having to recycle if I don't have to
I take out the recycling only when my bins are full to the max.
It’s interesting cos I had to recycle nearly everyday before
But, now
I’ll tell you what(=no matter what = every time I), I always make a hair appointment pretty much every month.
I find this very important. it’s very rate for me to skip a hair-cut.
Of course, I make other appointments as well in my life, but ~
My hair has a mind of its own(=messy) , so I need it to be well maintained!
It’s interesting cos I never ~ before.
But these days, I feel my hair gives me confidence.
[10. 이 과거경험 영상 하나만 보세요]
-past experience
*Q)What was your favorite pub in the past?
: when I was in my university days, you know there was this pub that I really liked.
And I really liked this place because, you know, this place was like beer heaven.
description + past
habit + past
comparision + past
*Past Experience 전략
-IM = direct quotation(직법화법) : 나에 대해서 집중
-IH = direct quotaion(직접화법) + indirect quotation(간접화법) : 나 + 다른 사람
*you know, I went to this park for the first time. and I was like, “OMG! The flowers are just so beautiful here!”
**you know, my wife and I went to this random park for the first timeand we were just so amazed. she was like, “Sam! The flowers here are just so beautiful ”
*내가 이렇게 말했다 = I was like ~ , 와이프가 그렇게 말했다. = she was like
[11. 훨씬 낮은 점수를 받을 수도 있어요]
*filler script만 쓰지 말기 , 필러는 extra입니다.
=> 어떤 말을 먼저 할지 연습하세요!
①filler들은 더 빨리 하라
②filler는 extra이다.
▶you know ▶right
[12. 오픽 비교 질문들이 머리 속이 하얗게 만든다면,,?]
*Comparison strategy = description + past experience
➀MP: 현재만 사용
➁과거 설명
➂현재 설명
*comparison 질문 종류
1)시간 비교 2)non-time 비교
*비교질문에 대답하는데 멘붕이 될 때
이미 대답을 시작했다면? MP없이 바로 과거부터 설명
[13. 오픽답변에서 스크립트 냄새가 나면 응시료 버리는 것이다.]
[14.오픽 시험전에 꼭 봐야 할 총정리 영상]
*대답하는 4가지 카테고리
1) 설명(description): ➀설명하는 것(MP) + ➁어떻게 느끼는지 + ➂왜 그렇게 느끼는지
ex)큰방을 좋아해 왜냐하면 친구들 초대하려고
2) 습관(habit) : 과거 거의 없음
-general MP
-전략 -> quick comparison(빠른비교) :잠깐 과거로 갔다가 다시 돌아오는 것.
ex) I never did this befor, but nowadays, I just love doing this.
-usually do , first thing that you do => habit category
3) 과거 경험(past experience):
-Climax를 먼저 말하기
4) 비교(comparision,time시간비교/non-time일반비교)
➀MP : pure present 현재에 대해서만 간단히 말하기
➁과거에 대해서만 말하기
➂현재에 대해서 설명
[15. 오픽 서베이 고민없이 한방에 선택하는 법]
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